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About this website

Forced migration as a result of political and economic oppression, violent conflict, and environmental destruction is reshaping communities throughout the world. The purpose of this website is to educate social workers, policy makers, and community based service providers about the relevance of social work practice in working with refugees.


Using a human rights perspective and a relational-cultural lens to contextualize global issues and identify concerns of refugees and people living in host communities, this website aims to examine the role of the social environment (beliefs, values, resources, political climate, cultural practices, etc) in shaping their experiences.


This website focuses on current refugee resettlement practices in Germany. It offers a vivid picture of seven refugees’ along with nine service providers’ working to promote engagement within diverse communities to facilitate mutual growth and understanding. Videos, pictures, and transcripts are included to give voice to those working directly to enhance the quality of life for all involved.


A link to the teaching and learning materials, based on the research in Germany, is included as a teaching tool for educators and students. It can also be used by others as a guide to a deeper understanding of this issue. It provides a brief history of recent refugee movements, global responses, applicable theoretical perspectives, and voices of those involved in the current refugee resettlement in Germany. Included are suggested topics for class discussion, written assignments, and exercises that promote critical thinking to further community and collaborative international social action to respond to this ongoing global issue.




Transforming Community Conference (1).jp
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